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About Collector's Crosswords Magazine

Each issue of Collector's Crosswords includes over 100 puzzles and thematic crosswords.

Collector's Crosswords is the ultimate publication for crossword puzzle lovers everywhere. Issues are brimming with Sunday-size crossword puzzles ranging in difficulty level from easy to difficult. Crossword enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels will look forward to receiving each new issue in the mail.

Each issue of Collector's Crosswords contains quality crossword puzzles written by top constructors. The puzzles are challenging and stimulating, and the clues are unique and thought-provoking. Collector's Crosswords is excellent for individuals who want to sharpen their mental prowess. The puzzles will improve readers' memories, minds and word banks. Each issue also includes themed crossword puzzles. Collector's Crosswords will soon have you addicted to solving crossword puzzles!

Whether you're a longtime crossword enthusiast or someone who wants to try it for the first time, you'll benefit from a subscription to Collector's Crosswords. Each issue is jam-packed with stimulating, exciting puzzles that are sure to pique your curiosity and prove to be a fun challenge. Anyone who loves crossword puzzles will love a subscription to Collector's Crosswords.

Cover price is $5.99 an issue, current renewal rate is 17 issues for $59.99. Collector's Crosswords, published by Kappa Publishing Group, Inc, currently publishes 17 times annually. Your first issue mails in 6-8 weeks.

5.0 star rating

Love the Themed Puzzles!

My mother and I have been fans of Collector's Crosswords for years, but it is getting harder to find the magazine in stores. She loves them because of the various themes that run through the puzzles--everything from actors to politics. They keep her happy for hours, and, now that I have ordered them, she has something to look forward to in the mail. We also love the large print and seasonal versions! Thank you for these wonderful, engrossing puzzles.


5.0 star rating

The puzzles are interesting and

The puzzles are interesting and not too difficult.

Carole R.