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About Harper's Magazine

Harper's magazine is a monthly news and politics magazine known for its award-winning journalism and reporting of issues and world events. It's also one of the oldest, and most-trusted publication in the United States.

First published in 1850, Harper's magazine is the second-oldest, continuously running publication in the country. Its staying power can be credited to its dedication to in-depth reporting and challenging editorials covering a wide range of subjects.

Readers of Harper's magazine will find articles and essays on everything from politics and science to arts and culture. The magazine even includes fiction writing such as short stories, poetry and other types of literature. In fact, portions of Herman Melville's Moby Dick were first published in Harper's. Notable writers and highly-regarded journalists are still regular contributors to this day.

This thought-provoking monthly news magazine gives subscribers content with plenty of substance as it closely examines the people and events that shape our world and our lives. There are also critiques of popular culture including reviews of new books, albums, films and art. Harper's magazine is an ideal publication for intellectual people who want more than what cable news has to offer.

Anyone looking to expand their knowledge and continue their education would love a subscription to Harper's Magazine.

Cover price is $6.99 an issue, current renewal rate is 12 issues for $39.99. Harper's, published by Harper's Magazine Foundation, currently publishes 12 times annually. Your first issue mails in 6-8 weeks.

5.0 star rating

Absolutely terrific; real journalism, real stories, real content, expands your mind

Harper's is a great publication. The writers are extraordinary, they delve deep into issues that are important, they for the most part ignore the pop culture nonsense that most magazines thrive on, and they are insightful beyond what other publications are capable of.


5.0 star rating


Love, love, love Harper's. Full of the unexpected, always excellent writing (how I missed good vocabulary!), never underestimate.